Saturday, March 3, 2012

E-waste – a pack of human diseases

E-waste – a pack of human diseases

E-waste – a pack of human diseases

THE TERM ‘E-waste’ is not new but it is still not common. Commoners are unaware to this term. E-waste is the waste regarding all electrical and electronic equipments that include computers, mobiles, television sets, refrigerators, ovens, toasters and home entertainment like electric games, stereo system, toys etc.
The reason behind the increase E-waste is the rapid development and number of electronic equipments. Modern technology is coming day by day. In this way people try to have modern and latest equipments available in market. Increasing demand for modern technology is making the electronic companies clever and richer. They introduce the modern technology step by step and in a series. Then innocent people also purchase modern and latest things. The question is that why don’t these companies introduce a complete package after reviewing all aspects in their new and latest technology? Cell phones are the common example to support this point of view. We see a latest model of same cell phone everyday in the market. And people look crazy to have it. Read More

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