Sunday, March 25, 2012

Science must guide us towards a more sustainable future

Science must guide us towards a more sustainable future

Sunday, March 25, 2012 4:54 AMScience must guide us towards a more sustainable future by   David Dickson LONDON: One of the most significant achievements of science over the past few decades has been to provide convincing evidence that human activity has had a growing and potentially unsustainable impact on virtually every aspect of our planet. The scientific community now needs [...]

Renewable energy resourcesSunday, 
March 25, 2012 1:56 AMRenewable energy resources by ERUM ZEHRA Summer is on its way and we’ve been already warned about the electricity load shedding this year and the increase in price per unit because the snow hasn’t melted yet and the water is at dead level in our dams. If timely planning is not done, one can imagine [...]

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