Sunday, December 19, 2010

Young IT man stuns audience with inventions

Young IT man stuns audience with inventions
STAFF REPORT ISLAMABAD: Waqar Qureshi, a Computer Science student from UCP, stunned the audience by his invention of strange technologies and demonstration of his ‘Non-touch Interface System and Head Tracking System’ during the TEDx Margalla session held last week.

According to details, Qureshi, with no funds in hands, but determined enough, got the idea of Head Tracking System when he met a fellow in Saudi Arabia who was tremendously good at computer knowledge but couldn't use it due to arms disability.

Qureshi also invented another mind-blowing technology through which one can use computer system without touching it, rather just by moving your hands in the air.

He also said that he is currently working to convert this dream into a reality. The system, known as Brain Interface System, will turn dreams in reality.

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